BayArt 17.11.23 25.11.23
End of residency show - Erin Donnelly & Cassandra Davies
Erin Donnelly and Cassandra Davies present works produced during two adjacent residences.
Erin Donnelly
Residency - supported by Artists’ Benevolent Fund (ABF) hosted at Cardiff School of Art & Design - Cardiff Metropolitan University
Cassandra Davies
Residency - supported by ArcadeCampfa hosted at BayArt
︎ @erin___donnelly
︎ cassandralouisedav.wixsite.com
End of residency show - Erin Donnelly & Cassandra Davies
Erin Donnelly and Cassandra Davies present works produced during two adjacent residences.
Erin Donnelly
Residency - supported by Artists’ Benevolent Fund (ABF) hosted at Cardiff School of Art & Design - Cardiff Metropolitan University
Cassandra Davies
Residency - supported by ArcadeCampfa hosted at BayArt
︎ @erin___donnelly
︎ cassandralouisedav.wixsite.com

Spit & Sawdust 3.9.23 - 4.9.23
24 hour residency 2023 - Spit & Sawdust x ArcadeCampfa
The 24 hours residency is a chance for artists to work intensively, experiment and try out new ideas, with no pressure for finished outcomes. This third iteration focuses on supporting recent graduates living in Wales who's time in higher education was impacted by Covid. Vivian Ross-Smith, Heledd C Evans, Rebecca Jones and Erin Donnelly, PJ Ke, Katie Harrington, will all be spending the night working in and around Spit & Sawdust, with access to all spaces and support from the ArcadeCampfa / Spit & Sawdust team.
︎ @erin___donnelly
︎ @heleddcevans
︎ @homebrewedphotos
︎ rebeccaanniejones.com
︎ @jot803.pj/
︎ vivianrosssmith.com
︎ www.spitandsawdust.co.uk
24 hour residency 2023 - Spit & Sawdust x ArcadeCampfa
The 24 hours residency is a chance for artists to work intensively, experiment and try out new ideas, with no pressure for finished outcomes. This third iteration focuses on supporting recent graduates living in Wales who's time in higher education was impacted by Covid. Vivian Ross-Smith, Heledd C Evans, Rebecca Jones and Erin Donnelly, PJ Ke, Katie Harrington, will all be spending the night working in and around Spit & Sawdust, with access to all spaces and support from the ArcadeCampfa / Spit & Sawdust team.
︎ @erin___donnelly
︎ @heleddcevans
︎ @homebrewedphotos
︎ rebeccaanniejones.com
︎ @jot803.pj/
︎ vivianrosssmith.com
︎ www.spitandsawdust.co.uk

BayArt 7.7.23 - 29.7.23
Beastly Love - Kasra Jalilipour
‘Beastly Love’ is inspired by Islamic arts, specifically Persian tiles and carpets, but also taking inspiration from influences from South/West Asia with close relations to Persian arts. In these artworks, there is an obsession with animals, specifically felines and canines. There’s many examples of entangled animals, in the middle of a fight or a feed, captured in these artworks. I am interested in queer ecologies and looking at this imagery from a queer lens, while exploring the line between violence and intimacy, and how it links to the wider societal issues we face as people.
Kasra Jalilipour (b.1995, Esfahan) is an Iranian multidisciplinary artist, writer and educator, currently based in the UK. Through humour, provocation and storytelling, their practice uses the body as the subject to discuss race, gender identity and sexuality. They have an ongoing body of research which looks for fragments of queerness hidden in Iran’s Qajar era, specifically stories that centre intimacy, eroticism and gender nonconformity.
The exhibition is accompanied by a new essay from Dylan Huw.
︎ Dylan Huw’s Text CWM
︎ Dylan Huw’s Text ENG
︎ Exhibition Text
︎ katayounjalilipour.com
︎ @kasrajalilipour
Beastly Love - Kasra Jalilipour
‘Beastly Love’ is inspired by Islamic arts, specifically Persian tiles and carpets, but also taking inspiration from influences from South/West Asia with close relations to Persian arts. In these artworks, there is an obsession with animals, specifically felines and canines. There’s many examples of entangled animals, in the middle of a fight or a feed, captured in these artworks. I am interested in queer ecologies and looking at this imagery from a queer lens, while exploring the line between violence and intimacy, and how it links to the wider societal issues we face as people.
Kasra Jalilipour (b.1995, Esfahan) is an Iranian multidisciplinary artist, writer and educator, currently based in the UK. Through humour, provocation and storytelling, their practice uses the body as the subject to discuss race, gender identity and sexuality. They have an ongoing body of research which looks for fragments of queerness hidden in Iran’s Qajar era, specifically stories that centre intimacy, eroticism and gender nonconformity.
The exhibition is accompanied by a new essay from Dylan Huw.
︎ Dylan Huw’s Text CWM
︎ Dylan Huw’s Text ENG
︎ Exhibition Text
︎ katayounjalilipour.com
︎ @kasrajalilipour

Spit & Sawdust 26.3.23
New Ways - Emma Daman Thomas with Freya Dooley and Andrea Vecchiato with Victor Nebbiolo di Castri
New Ways is a British Council International Collaborations Grant funded project, conceived by Spit & Sawdust and ArcadeCampfa, two artist led organisations based in Cardiff, Wales, and co-managed with Pase, a creative studio and collective based in Venice, Italy.
In September 2022 Wales based musician and artist Emma Daman Thomas and Italian flautist Andrea Vecchiato took part in a week long residency in Pase's studio space in central Venice, a space which houses a d&b Soundscape. This revolutionary immersive system allows you to create audio environments, so you can feel, explore and experience sound in a new way, and is an exciting tool for experimentation and innovation for both artists, musicians and anyone working with sound.
︎ English
︎ Cymraeg
︎ emmadamanthomas.com
︎ pase-platform.com
New Ways - Emma Daman Thomas with Freya Dooley and Andrea Vecchiato with Victor Nebbiolo di Castri
New Ways is a British Council International Collaborations Grant funded project, conceived by Spit & Sawdust and ArcadeCampfa, two artist led organisations based in Cardiff, Wales, and co-managed with Pase, a creative studio and collective based in Venice, Italy.
In September 2022 Wales based musician and artist Emma Daman Thomas and Italian flautist Andrea Vecchiato took part in a week long residency in Pase's studio space in central Venice, a space which houses a d&b Soundscape. This revolutionary immersive system allows you to create audio environments, so you can feel, explore and experience sound in a new way, and is an exciting tool for experimentation and innovation for both artists, musicians and anyone working with sound.
︎ English
︎ Cymraeg
︎ emmadamanthomas.com
︎ pase-platform.com

Campfa 4.2.23 - 25.3.23
y sws mewn pinc - esyllt angharad lewis
y sws mewn pinc yw arddangosfa unigol gyntaf esyllt angharad lewis. Wrth chwarae rhwng argraffu, perfformio, gosodwaith, castio, arlunio a sain, mae’n cwestiynu i ba raddau y gellir ystyried cyfieithu, ar draws ieithoedd, cyfryngau a phrosesau, fel bwa.
y sws mewn pinc is esyllt angharad lewis’s first solo exhibition. Playing across print, performance, installation, casting, drawing and sound, this body of work questions whether translation - through languages, mediums and processes - can be viewed as an arch.
︎ Exhibition Text
︎ esylltangharadlewis.com
︎ @esylltesylit
y sws mewn pinc - esyllt angharad lewis
y sws mewn pinc yw arddangosfa unigol gyntaf esyllt angharad lewis. Wrth chwarae rhwng argraffu, perfformio, gosodwaith, castio, arlunio a sain, mae’n cwestiynu i ba raddau y gellir ystyried cyfieithu, ar draws ieithoedd, cyfryngau a phrosesau, fel bwa.
y sws mewn pinc is esyllt angharad lewis’s first solo exhibition. Playing across print, performance, installation, casting, drawing and sound, this body of work questions whether translation - through languages, mediums and processes - can be viewed as an arch.
︎ Exhibition Text
︎ esylltangharadlewis.com
︎ @esylltesylit

Arcade 11.22 - 02.23
Our current artist in residence in Arcade is Thomas Lloyd. Thomas is using the space to create a new body of work concerning aura and originality in a digital age.
︎ thomaslloydartist.com
︎ @thomaslloydartist
Our current artist in residence in Arcade is Thomas Lloyd. Thomas is using the space to create a new body of work concerning aura and originality in a digital age.
︎ thomaslloydartist.com
︎ @thomaslloydartist

Campfa - 10.12.22 - 11.12.22
Third year fine art students at Cardiff School of Art & Design show new work at Campfa. Almost. comprises the work of 45 artists working across media for a weekend long exhibition.
︎ @almost_fineart
︎ @csadfineart
Third year fine art students at Cardiff School of Art & Design show new work at Campfa. Almost. comprises the work of 45 artists working across media for a weekend long exhibition.
︎ @almost_fineart
︎ @csadfineart

Campfa - 12.11.22 - 26.11.22
Associates Show
Our annual exhibition of work by ArcadeCampfa Associates. This year are showing work from Erin Donnelly, Lennie Grace, Imogen Marooney, Thomas Mullin, Chloe Winder, Ren Wolfe, Evelyn Wolstenholme and Zeta Zentella.
︎ Exhibiton Text
Associates Show
Our annual exhibition of work by ArcadeCampfa Associates. This year are showing work from Erin Donnelly, Lennie Grace, Imogen Marooney, Thomas Mullin, Chloe Winder, Ren Wolfe, Evelyn Wolstenholme and Zeta Zentella.
︎ Exhibiton Text

Arcade - 15.10.22
Works in Progress - Rebecca Jones
Following a three month residency with us in Arcade, Rebecca Jones exhibited works made while in the space.
︎ rebeccaanniejones.com
︎ @rebeccjones
Works in Progress - Rebecca Jones
Following a three month residency with us in Arcade, Rebecca Jones exhibited works made while in the space.
︎ rebeccaanniejones.com
︎ @rebeccjones

Campfa - 12.10.22 - 15.10.22
In Pursuit of the Perfect Sound - Charlotte Grayland
'In Pursuit of the Perfect Sound' explores the idea of forming 'perfect sound' and how this might exist as a combination of silent and sonic works, using appropriated musical score as a metaphor to discuss past identity, childhood memory and family relationships.
︎ Exhibition Text
︎ @cgraylandart
︎ charlottegrayland.com
In Pursuit of the Perfect Sound - Charlotte Grayland
'In Pursuit of the Perfect Sound' explores the idea of forming 'perfect sound' and how this might exist as a combination of silent and sonic works, using appropriated musical score as a metaphor to discuss past identity, childhood memory and family relationships.
︎ Exhibition Text
︎ @cgraylandart
︎ charlottegrayland.com

Campfa - 24.9.22
Cardiff Bookshop Map Launch
Cardiff Bookshop Map is a not-for-profit project offering greater visibility to Cardiff’s independent bookshops and reading rooms. The project includes a bilingual map available for free from independent literary outlets across the city, and a sound map available through arcade-campfa.org, featuring interviews with the folks behind Wales’ first LGBTQ+ bookshop Paned o Gê, radical bookshop Shelflife Books and Zines, and Yellow Back Books; along with Rabab Ghazoul of the Turner-prize-nominated collective gentle/radical, and Peter Finch, the manager of Oriel Bookshop (1974–2006) – Cardiff’s first art bookshop, funded by the Arts Council Wales.
Accompanying sound map here: ♫
Cardiff Bookshop Map Launch
Cardiff Bookshop Map is a not-for-profit project offering greater visibility to Cardiff’s independent bookshops and reading rooms. The project includes a bilingual map available for free from independent literary outlets across the city, and a sound map available through arcade-campfa.org, featuring interviews with the folks behind Wales’ first LGBTQ+ bookshop Paned o Gê, radical bookshop Shelflife Books and Zines, and Yellow Back Books; along with Rabab Ghazoul of the Turner-prize-nominated collective gentle/radical, and Peter Finch, the manager of Oriel Bookshop (1974–2006) – Cardiff’s first art bookshop, funded by the Arts Council Wales.
Accompanying sound map here: ♫

Campfa - 24.9.22 - 8.10.22
To sit alongside the launch of the Bookshop Map, and to raise some funds for artists and the project, we worked alongside 18 artists to create a series of Risograph prints, using our Riso at Biscuits Press.
Alice Banfield @banfieldaec banfield.format.com
Becca + Clare @beccaandclareareartists beccaandclareareartists.com
Andre Stitt @andrestitt http://andrestitt.com
Anna Barratt @annabarratt5
Cinzia Mutigli @cinziamutigli cinziamutigli.com
Deborah Aguirre Jones @deborahaguirrejones deborahaguirrejones.co.uk
Dina Kelberman @dinakelberman dinakelberman.com
Emma Edmondson @emerrrhhhh emmaedmondson.com
Freya Dooley @freya_dooley freyadooley.com
Georgia Twigg @gerrrrrrtwerrrrr
George Manson @gergemanson georgemanson.com Gail Howard @gail.howard1
Ian Watson @_w_a_t_s_o_i_d_
Jessica Akerman @jessica.akerman jessicaakerman.com
Lu Williams @luwilliamsdotcom luwilliams.com
Samuel Hasler samuelhasler.co.uk
Sarah Roberts @sarahrobertsfa sarahrobertsfa.co Somya Dhiman @somyadhimanar
Tom Goddard @thomas_goddard thomas-goddard.com
To sit alongside the launch of the Bookshop Map, and to raise some funds for artists and the project, we worked alongside 18 artists to create a series of Risograph prints, using our Riso at Biscuits Press.
Alice Banfield @banfieldaec banfield.format.com
Becca + Clare @beccaandclareareartists beccaandclareareartists.com
Andre Stitt @andrestitt http://andrestitt.com
Anna Barratt @annabarratt5
Cinzia Mutigli @cinziamutigli cinziamutigli.com
Deborah Aguirre Jones @deborahaguirrejones deborahaguirrejones.co.uk
Dina Kelberman @dinakelberman dinakelberman.com
Emma Edmondson @emerrrhhhh emmaedmondson.com
Freya Dooley @freya_dooley freyadooley.com
Georgia Twigg @gerrrrrrtwerrrrr
George Manson @gergemanson georgemanson.com Gail Howard @gail.howard1
Ian Watson @_w_a_t_s_o_i_d_
Jessica Akerman @jessica.akerman jessicaakerman.com
Lu Williams @luwilliamsdotcom luwilliams.com
Samuel Hasler samuelhasler.co.uk
Sarah Roberts @sarahrobertsfa sarahrobertsfa.co Somya Dhiman @somyadhimanar
Tom Goddard @thomas_goddard thomas-goddard.com

Campfa - 2.7.22 - 20.8.22
Come to Sunny Prestatyn
Dominic Allan, Nicola Bealing, Nick Davies, Steven Emmanuel, Rosie Gibbens, Thomas Goddard, Rebecca Gould, Ellie Hoskins, Cinzia Mutigli, Georgia Neilson, Sam Venables, Sue Williams
This is not an exhibition about Prestatyn, but about the disturbing poem Sunny Prestatyn and its problematic poet Philip Larkin. It describes a poster of a girl saying “Come to Sunny Prestatyn” and its eventual decline into debauched defacements and erasure on a train station platform. Written 60 years ago, the poem touches on issues still relevant today, such as women's safety, toxic masculinity, the affects of advertising, and the potentially violent feelings of those left without a voice.
Dominic Allan
︎ @dominic_allan_
Nicola Bealing
︎ @nicola_bealing
︎ http://www.nicolabealing.co.uk
Nick Davies
︎ @nickdaviesworks
Steven Emmanuel
︎ @biscuitarchive
Rosie Gibbens
︎ @rosiegibbens
︎ https://www.rosiegibbens.com
Thomas Goddard
︎ @thomas_goddard
︎ http://www.thomas-goddard.com/
Rebecca Gould
︎ @rebecca__gould
︎ http://rebeccagould.co.uk
Ellie Hoskins
︎ @elliehosk
︎ https://elliehoskins.substack.com
Cinzia Mutigli
︎ @cinziamutigli
︎ https://www.cinziamutigli.com
Georgia Neilson
︎ @georgianielson
Sam Venables
︎ @sam.venables
Sue Williams
︎ @nomorepink
︎ http://nomorepink.com
︎ English
︎ Cymraeg
Come to Sunny Prestatyn
Dominic Allan, Nicola Bealing, Nick Davies, Steven Emmanuel, Rosie Gibbens, Thomas Goddard, Rebecca Gould, Ellie Hoskins, Cinzia Mutigli, Georgia Neilson, Sam Venables, Sue Williams
This is not an exhibition about Prestatyn, but about the disturbing poem Sunny Prestatyn and its problematic poet Philip Larkin. It describes a poster of a girl saying “Come to Sunny Prestatyn” and its eventual decline into debauched defacements and erasure on a train station platform. Written 60 years ago, the poem touches on issues still relevant today, such as women's safety, toxic masculinity, the affects of advertising, and the potentially violent feelings of those left without a voice.
Dominic Allan
︎ @dominic_allan_
Nicola Bealing
︎ @nicola_bealing
︎ http://www.nicolabealing.co.uk
Nick Davies
︎ @nickdaviesworks
Steven Emmanuel
︎ @biscuitarchive
Rosie Gibbens
︎ @rosiegibbens
︎ https://www.rosiegibbens.com
Thomas Goddard
︎ @thomas_goddard
︎ http://www.thomas-goddard.com/
Rebecca Gould
︎ @rebecca__gould
︎ http://rebeccagould.co.uk
Ellie Hoskins
︎ @elliehosk
︎ https://elliehoskins.substack.com
Cinzia Mutigli
︎ @cinziamutigli
︎ https://www.cinziamutigli.com
Georgia Neilson
︎ @georgianielson
Sam Venables
︎ @sam.venables
Sue Williams
︎ @nomorepink
︎ http://nomorepink.com
︎ English
︎ Cymraeg

Campfa - 30.3.22 - 7.5.22
Louise Bristow, James Cobb, Sarah Hardacre, André Stitt, Ally Wallace
Curated by André Stitt ‘Brute Force + Militant Sunshine’ explores the legacy of militant modernism and its built environments through the medium of print, collage, object & film. The exhibition considers this legacy as a visionary and utopian embodiment of progressive civic, municipal, and social change through reactivation, glamour, otherworldliness, feminist critique, masculine liminality, fluid identities and discreet melancholy.
︎ louisebristow.com
︎ @lou_bristow
︎ behance.net/jamescobb
︎ @cobbsix
︎ linktr.ee/sarahhardacre
︎ @hardacre.sarah
︎ andrestitt.com
︎ @andrestitt
︎ allywallace.co.uk
︎ @ally_wallace__
︎ Exhibition Text
Louise Bristow, James Cobb, Sarah Hardacre, André Stitt, Ally Wallace
Curated by André Stitt ‘Brute Force + Militant Sunshine’ explores the legacy of militant modernism and its built environments through the medium of print, collage, object & film. The exhibition considers this legacy as a visionary and utopian embodiment of progressive civic, municipal, and social change through reactivation, glamour, otherworldliness, feminist critique, masculine liminality, fluid identities and discreet melancholy.
︎ louisebristow.com
︎ @lou_bristow
︎ behance.net/jamescobb
︎ @cobbsix
︎ linktr.ee/sarahhardacre
︎ @hardacre.sarah
︎ andrestitt.com
︎ @andrestitt
︎ allywallace.co.uk
︎ @ally_wallace__
︎ Exhibition Text

Campfa - 30.3.22 - 7.5.22
unwhole - Anna Barratt & Gail Howard
Both concerned with the limits, transformations, and vulnerability of the body, Barratt and Howard have been in long form conversation across the past three months. The painting, sculpture and film in this exhibition are the outcome of these conversations.
︎ @annabarrat5
︎ @gail.howard1
︎ Exhibition Text
︎ Essay by Stevie MacKinnon-Smith
unwhole - Anna Barratt & Gail Howard
Both concerned with the limits, transformations, and vulnerability of the body, Barratt and Howard have been in long form conversation across the past three months. The painting, sculpture and film in this exhibition are the outcome of these conversations.
︎ @annabarrat5
︎ @gail.howard1
︎ Exhibition Text
︎ Essay by Stevie MacKinnon-Smith

Mapping Workshops - March 2022
During March 2022 ArcadeCampfa was host to a series of workshops around the subject of mapping.
Deborah Aguirre Jones
An afternoon of different cartographies; pinning tails on donkeys, dot-to-dot drawing, dowsing and other inaccurate mark-making.
We are inviting a small group of friends and acquaintances to spend time with us in ArcadeCampfa, sharing ideas and viewpoints about where we are and where we’re going.
Deborah Aguirre Jones is a socially engaged artist who works with performance, dialogue, sculpture and other forms, setting up situations for encounters and conversations.
Addressing experiences of territory, home and un-belonging by looking at our relationships with public places, with each other and with the outdoors, she works in a wide range of contexts including landscape management, health and social care, the justice system, community /neighbourhood changes, early years’ pedagogy, the construction industry, leisure and tourism. Longer projects are collaborations with people who are not trained as artists.
︎ deborahaguirrejones.co.uk
During March 2022 ArcadeCampfa was host to a series of workshops around the subject of mapping.
Deborah Aguirre Jones
An afternoon of different cartographies; pinning tails on donkeys, dot-to-dot drawing, dowsing and other inaccurate mark-making.
We are inviting a small group of friends and acquaintances to spend time with us in ArcadeCampfa, sharing ideas and viewpoints about where we are and where we’re going.
Deborah Aguirre Jones is a socially engaged artist who works with performance, dialogue, sculpture and other forms, setting up situations for encounters and conversations.
Addressing experiences of territory, home and un-belonging by looking at our relationships with public places, with each other and with the outdoors, she works in a wide range of contexts including landscape management, health and social care, the justice system, community /neighbourhood changes, early years’ pedagogy, the construction industry, leisure and tourism. Longer projects are collaborations with people who are not trained as artists.
︎ deborahaguirrejones.co.uk

Jo Fong
Several artists and members of Arcade Campfa will gather for a walk, some listening, some mapping and some imagining.
For this workshop Jo will host a city centre walk. It’s about how we live and how we connect with the city of Cardiff. Arcade Campfa’s home has been in Queens Arcade for 12 Years, at some point in the near future it will be demolished for a new shopping centre. Where to be?
Jo lives in Cardiff and her creative work reflects the need in these times for people to come together. Her artistic practice is an evolving, collaborative approach which puts ideas around belonging or forming community in the forefront.
︎ jofong.com
︎ @NHNThere @JoFong
Several artists and members of Arcade Campfa will gather for a walk, some listening, some mapping and some imagining.
For this workshop Jo will host a city centre walk. It’s about how we live and how we connect with the city of Cardiff. Arcade Campfa’s home has been in Queens Arcade for 12 Years, at some point in the near future it will be demolished for a new shopping centre. Where to be?
Jo lives in Cardiff and her creative work reflects the need in these times for people to come together. Her artistic practice is an evolving, collaborative approach which puts ideas around belonging or forming community in the forefront.
︎ jofong.com
︎ @NHNThere @JoFong
Sahra Hersi
Dreaming of an Artist's Space
What are the ingredients of this dream?
Artists are being priced out and pushed out of city centres across the UK. Whether it is in London or Cardiff, this is an occurring narrative. Empty high street shops, dormant shopping centres, and derelict office blocks could be transformed into artists' studios and galleries to bring life back to city centres.
ArcadeCampfa is based in a shopping centre, but the space is provisional. What could a dream artist's space look and feel like to inhabit? Maybe we can only dream, for now, so let's dream together!
Create a folded 8-page zine that explores and maps the ideal artist's space. Each zine will have prompts and be unique to its creator.
︎ sahrahersi.net
︎ @sahra_hersi
Dreaming of an Artist's Space
What are the ingredients of this dream?
Artists are being priced out and pushed out of city centres across the UK. Whether it is in London or Cardiff, this is an occurring narrative. Empty high street shops, dormant shopping centres, and derelict office blocks could be transformed into artists' studios and galleries to bring life back to city centres.
ArcadeCampfa is based in a shopping centre, but the space is provisional. What could a dream artist's space look and feel like to inhabit? Maybe we can only dream, for now, so let's dream together!
Create a folded 8-page zine that explores and maps the ideal artist's space. Each zine will have prompts and be unique to its creator.
︎ sahrahersi.net
︎ @sahra_hersi

Campfa - 11.12.21 - 29.1.22
familiar falls
Curated by Rosie Harman
familiar falls brings together a group of ceramic artists whose work probes at our associations with the ordinary. Ceramics is indelibly linked to the everyday - the mug we drink from, the toilet we sit on and the bricks all around us. Yet, the infinite material possibilities of clay, glaze and colour provide a palette for language and metaphor. Through the guise of familiarity these artists undo the banal and play with its boundaries. They disrupt, dissolve and provoke new ways of seeing. They express the personal and scratch at the dichotomy between human, objects and our place in the world. While simultaneously patching it back together again, and serving you tea from it.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
Rhyann Arthur
︎ @rhy_configured
Rosie Harman
︎ rosieharman.com
︎ @rosie.harman
Becky Hoghton
︎ beckyhoghton.com
︎ @beckyhoghton
Toni de Jesus
︎ tonidejesus.com
︎ @tonidjesus
Márek Líška
︎ marekliska.com
︎ @marek.liska_
Nathan Mullis
︎ nathanmullisartist.co.uk
︎ @nathmully
Simon Sharp
Hannah Walters
︎ hannahwaltersceramics.com
︎ hannah.walters.ceramics
Yusun Won
︎ yusunwon.com
︎ yusunwon_ceramics
familiar falls
Curated by Rosie Harman
familiar falls brings together a group of ceramic artists whose work probes at our associations with the ordinary. Ceramics is indelibly linked to the everyday - the mug we drink from, the toilet we sit on and the bricks all around us. Yet, the infinite material possibilities of clay, glaze and colour provide a palette for language and metaphor. Through the guise of familiarity these artists undo the banal and play with its boundaries. They disrupt, dissolve and provoke new ways of seeing. They express the personal and scratch at the dichotomy between human, objects and our place in the world. While simultaneously patching it back together again, and serving you tea from it.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
Rhyann Arthur
︎ @rhy_configured
Rosie Harman
︎ rosieharman.com
︎ @rosie.harman
Becky Hoghton
︎ beckyhoghton.com
︎ @beckyhoghton
Toni de Jesus
︎ tonidejesus.com
︎ @tonidjesus
Márek Líška
︎ marekliska.com
︎ @marek.liska_
Nathan Mullis
︎ nathanmullisartist.co.uk
︎ @nathmully
Simon Sharp
Hannah Walters
︎ hannahwaltersceramics.com
︎ hannah.walters.ceramics
Yusun Won
︎ yusunwon.com
︎ yusunwon_ceramics

Campfa - 2.10.21 - 13.11.21
Time to Rest - Anna Barratt, Delphi Campbell and Raisa Kabir
Time to Rest features the work of three artists: Anna Barratt, Delphi Campbell and Raisa Kabir for whom fabric & textiles play a significant role within their work.
This exhibition follows on from and includes work made during Delphi Campbell’s three month residency with ArcadeCampfa.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
Anna Barratt
︎ @annabarratt5
Delphi Campbell
︎ @delphicampbell
︎ delphicampbell.com
Raisa Kabir
︎ @raisa_kabir_textiles_
︎ raisakabir.com
︎ Raisa Kabir text for online reading
Time to Rest - Anna Barratt, Delphi Campbell and Raisa Kabir
Time to Rest features the work of three artists: Anna Barratt, Delphi Campbell and Raisa Kabir for whom fabric & textiles play a significant role within their work.
This exhibition follows on from and includes work made during Delphi Campbell’s three month residency with ArcadeCampfa.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
Anna Barratt
︎ @annabarratt5
Delphi Campbell
︎ @delphicampbell
︎ delphicampbell.com
Raisa Kabir
︎ @raisa_kabir_textiles_
︎ raisakabir.com
︎ Raisa Kabir text for online reading
Campfa - 31.7.21 - 11.9.21
Companion Planting - Indiana Lawrence, Fern Thomas, Jessica Tremaine, Rosie Lee Wilson
Companion Planting is a group exhibition featuring the work of four artists whose work intersects around land and our relationship to it.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ indiana-lawrence.com
︎ fernthomas.com
︎ jessicatremaine.com
︎ @rosieleewilson
Companion Planting - Indiana Lawrence, Fern Thomas, Jessica Tremaine, Rosie Lee Wilson
Companion Planting is a group exhibition featuring the work of four artists whose work intersects around land and our relationship to it.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ indiana-lawrence.com
︎ fernthomas.com
︎ jessicatremaine.com
︎ @rosieleewilson

Campfa - 2.2.20 - 16.1.21
it resonates like spalting wood - Beau W Beakhouse and Sadia Pineda Hameed
For their first solo show as a collaborative duo, Beau W Beakhouse and Sadia Pineda Hameed organise, enact and reiterate spaces for interpersonal communication and speculation. The installation it resonates like spalting wood comprises tools for a mode of dialogue that attempts to exist outside colonial space; prioritising tactile and latent ways of speaking, sharing and planning. This new body of work envisions the materials, means and possibilities of dialogue through traditional green woodwork, markings and enactment; resonant objects that share an unfamiliar, utopic green glow.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ beauwbeakhouse.com
︎ sadiaph.com
it resonates like spalting wood - Beau W Beakhouse and Sadia Pineda Hameed
For their first solo show as a collaborative duo, Beau W Beakhouse and Sadia Pineda Hameed organise, enact and reiterate spaces for interpersonal communication and speculation. The installation it resonates like spalting wood comprises tools for a mode of dialogue that attempts to exist outside colonial space; prioritising tactile and latent ways of speaking, sharing and planning. This new body of work envisions the materials, means and possibilities of dialogue through traditional green woodwork, markings and enactment; resonant objects that share an unfamiliar, utopic green glow.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ beauwbeakhouse.com
︎ sadiaph.com

Campfa - 2.2.20 - 16.1.21
The Past is a Foreign Place - Rithika Pandey
Rithika Pandey presents a selection of recent paintings and installation exploring personal narratives shaped by displacement, cultural memories, ancestral anxieties and the sacred realm of the imaginary.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ chashmishkahiki.com
The Past is a Foreign Place - Rithika Pandey
Rithika Pandey presents a selection of recent paintings and installation exploring personal narratives shaped by displacement, cultural memories, ancestral anxieties and the sacred realm of the imaginary.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ chashmishkahiki.com

Campfa - 10.10.20 - 21.11.20
BEEP 2020
SUM OF ITS PARTS - Graham Jones
As part of painting biennial BEEP 2020, Graham Jones presents small, non-representational works focussing on geometry, tradition, the familiar and the abstract.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ @grahamp.jones
︎ beeppainting.com
BEEP 2020
SUM OF ITS PARTS - Graham Jones
As part of painting biennial BEEP 2020, Graham Jones presents small, non-representational works focussing on geometry, tradition, the familiar and the abstract.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ @grahamp.jones
︎ beeppainting.com
Arcade - 10.10.20 - 21.11.20
BEEP 2020
ARENA - Jason Gregory
Jason Gregory presents new paintings exploring notions of place, memory, the real and the imagined.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ jgregorypainting.com
︎ @jgregorypainting
︎ beeppainting.com
BEEP 2020
ARENA - Jason Gregory
Jason Gregory presents new paintings exploring notions of place, memory, the real and the imagined.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ jgregorypainting.com
︎ @jgregorypainting
︎ beeppainting.com
Campfa - 11.3.20 - 5.4.20
Arcade Studio HoldersAn exhibition of recent work from our studio holders at Arcade Studios: Zena Blackwell, Lara Davies, Rhiannon Siân Davies, Richard James and Lucia Jones.
︎ zenablackwell.com
︎ laradavies.com
︎ rhiannonsiandavies.com
︎ cargocollective.com/colouredmud
︎ luciajones.art
︎ Exhibition Text & Map pdf
Arcade Studio HoldersAn exhibition of recent work from our studio holders at Arcade Studios: Zena Blackwell, Lara Davies, Rhiannon Siân Davies, Richard James and Lucia Jones.
︎ zenablackwell.com
︎ laradavies.com
︎ rhiannonsiandavies.com
︎ cargocollective.com/colouredmud
︎ luciajones.art
︎ Exhibition Text & Map pdf

Arcade - 4.3.20 - 16.3.20
Escapism - CSAD Illustration
Group exhibition of work from BA Illustration students at Cardiff School of Art & Design focussing on creativity as a form of escape.
︎ Artists’ Statements pdf
︎ Map & Text pdf
Escapism - CSAD Illustration
Group exhibition of work from BA Illustration students at Cardiff School of Art & Design focussing on creativity as a form of escape.
︎ Artists’ Statements pdf
︎ Map & Text pdf

Arcade - 26.2.20 - 29.2.20
Sashi Handford, Stanley Mel and George Goom present recent work exploring the amateur, happiness and success in contemporary society.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ @s.as1hi
︎ @stanleymel
︎ @george_goom
Sashi Handford, Stanley Mel and George Goom present recent work exploring the amateur, happiness and success in contemporary society.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ @s.as1hi
︎ @stanleymel
︎ @george_goom

Campfa - 29.1.20 - 29.2.20
Based internationally and in South Wales, the work of exhibiting artists Nadja Buttendorf, Sabrina Labis, Dina Kelberman, Paul Granjon and Ian Watson often draws upon digital culture and the internet to explore ideas around futures, social norms and our personal and social relationships to communication technologies.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ nadjabuttendorf.com
︎ sabrinalabis.net
︎ dinakelberman.com
︎ zprod.org
︎ @_i_a_n__w_a_t_s_o_n_/
Based internationally and in South Wales, the work of exhibiting artists Nadja Buttendorf, Sabrina Labis, Dina Kelberman, Paul Granjon and Ian Watson often draws upon digital culture and the internet to explore ideas around futures, social norms and our personal and social relationships to communication technologies.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ nadjabuttendorf.com
︎ sabrinalabis.net
︎ dinakelberman.com
︎ zprod.org
︎ @_i_a_n__w_a_t_s_o_n_/

Arcade - 11.12.19 - 21.12.19
Associates’ Show
ArcadeCampfa’s annual showcase of our Associates’ artwork. Our associates volunteer to invigilate and assist with exhibitions and every year we offer an opportunity to exhibit their work in one of our spaces. In 2019 we extended the opportunity to volunteers at g39.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
Associates’ Show
ArcadeCampfa’s annual showcase of our Associates’ artwork. Our associates volunteer to invigilate and assist with exhibitions and every year we offer an opportunity to exhibit their work in one of our spaces. In 2019 we extended the opportunity to volunteers at g39.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf

Arcade - 4.12.19 - 7.12.19
Glass Houses - Ashleigh Trim
Ashleigh Trim presents an exhibition of paintings exploring notions of empty space and imagined narratives.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ ashleightrim.co.uk
Glass Houses - Ashleigh Trim
Ashleigh Trim presents an exhibition of paintings exploring notions of empty space and imagined narratives.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ ashleightrim.co.uk

Campfa - 27.11.19 - 21.1.20
Walking with my Eyes - Alice Banfield
Alice Banfield was the artist in residence at ArcadeCampfa for six months in 2019. The resulting work is shown in this exhibition.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ banfield.format.com
Walking with my Eyes - Alice Banfield
Alice Banfield was the artist in residence at ArcadeCampfa for six months in 2019. The resulting work is shown in this exhibition.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ banfield.format.com

Arcade - 23.10.19 - 26.10.19
Resonance - Philip Davies
Philip Davies presents an exhibition of new work in mixed media exploring ideas around memory, recollection, the conscious and subconscious. ︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ philipjohndavies.org
Resonance - Philip Davies
Philip Davies presents an exhibition of new work in mixed media exploring ideas around memory, recollection, the conscious and subconscious. ︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ philipjohndavies.org
Campfa - 12.10.19 - 2.11.19
Spread - Grrrl Zine Fair
A portable, reconstructable exhibition space first exhibited in 2019, Spread is presented by Grrrl Zine Fair as an expanding, touring exhibitions, with a focus on platforming marginalised voices. Each new venue will present the work alongside new comissions via open call.
︎ Exhibition Text
︎ grrrlzinefair.com
︎ rachelfallon.com
︎ luwilliams.com
︎ bethmorris.co.uk
︎ katyjalili.com
︎ daniellebrathwaiteshirley.com
︎ rosajohanuddoh.com
︎ padmarajendran.com
︎ girlforum.org
︎ ruthkathrynjones.wordpress.com
︎ madeleinepledge.com
Spread - Grrrl Zine Fair
A portable, reconstructable exhibition space first exhibited in 2019, Spread is presented by Grrrl Zine Fair as an expanding, touring exhibitions, with a focus on platforming marginalised voices. Each new venue will present the work alongside new comissions via open call.
︎ Exhibition Text
︎ grrrlzinefair.com
︎ rachelfallon.com
︎ luwilliams.com
︎ bethmorris.co.uk
︎ katyjalili.com
︎ daniellebrathwaiteshirley.com
︎ rosajohanuddoh.com
︎ padmarajendran.com
︎ girlforum.org
︎ ruthkathrynjones.wordpress.com
︎ madeleinepledge.com

Arcade - 9.10.19 - 19.10.19
How to Accurately Assemble a Scaffold
Megan Woodward-Hay, Jamie Lee Walton, Thomas Lloyd, Aron Nelson and Maria Parachidou present a body of work shown in various stages of fruition.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
How to Accurately Assemble a Scaffold
Megan Woodward-Hay, Jamie Lee Walton, Thomas Lloyd, Aron Nelson and Maria Parachidou present a body of work shown in various stages of fruition.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf

Campfa - 4.9.19 - 5.10.19
A Brief History of Healing
Artist Gail Howard works alongside University Hospital Llandough to create work with patients, staff and visitors. The exhibition was cross-site and featured artwork and workshops from artists Georgia Twigg, Alex Goodman, Sarah Featherstone and Lee Cutter.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ Evaluation Report
︎ gailhoward.net
︎ sarahjfeatherstone.com
︎ @goodman.alex
︎ @leecutter_studio
A Brief History of Healing
Artist Gail Howard works alongside University Hospital Llandough to create work with patients, staff and visitors. The exhibition was cross-site and featured artwork and workshops from artists Georgia Twigg, Alex Goodman, Sarah Featherstone and Lee Cutter.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ Evaluation Report
︎ gailhoward.net
︎ sarahjfeatherstone.com
︎ @goodman.alex
︎ @leecutter_studio

Arcade 21.8.19 - 30.8.19
Summer Show - Criw Celf
Criw Celf host a series of masterclasses for young people who show talent and special interest in the art. The Summer School is a two week period of artist-led workshops and classes.
︎ artsactive.org.uk
Summer Show - Criw Celf
Criw Celf host a series of masterclasses for young people who show talent and special interest in the art. The Summer School is a two week period of artist-led workshops and classes.
︎ artsactive.org.uk

Arcade 2.8.19 - 10.8.19
Gestures - Ethan Dodd
New work by multi-media artist Ethan Dodd exploring identity and the self.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ www.ethan-dodd.com
Gestures - Ethan Dodd
New work by multi-media artist Ethan Dodd exploring identity and the self.
︎ Exhibition Text pdf
︎ www.ethan-dodd.com

Arcade 20.7.19
Home: a search from home, away from home...
Home: a search from home, away from home...

Campfa 19.7.19 - 24.8.19
The Reverse-Panopticon: A Brief Introduction into Aesthetically Enhanced Interrogation - Ric Bower • Nástio Mosquito • Kelly Schacht
The Reverse-Panopticon: A Brief Introduction into Aesthetically Enhanced Interrogation - Ric Bower • Nástio Mosquito • Kelly Schacht

Arcade 10.7.19 - 12.7.19
We Did it All on Purpose - Molly Sinclair-Thomson
We Did it All on Purpose - Molly Sinclair-Thomson

Campfa 12.6.19 - 6.7.19
Toni de Jesus — Morgan Dowdall — Marek Líška — Elin Hughes — Yixia Lin — Youngeun Shin — Jaejun Lee — Hannah Walters — Sam Lucas
Toni de Jesus — Morgan Dowdall — Marek Líška — Elin Hughes — Yixia Lin — Youngeun Shin — Jaejun Lee — Hannah Walters — Sam Lucas
Arcade 15.5.19 - 25.5.19
Aurora Trinity Collective
Aurora Trinity Collective

Campfa 8.5.19 - 25.5.19
From Fear - Samuel Hasler
From Fear - Samuel Hasler
Arcade - 26.4.19 - 11.5.19
Snakenub - Jacob Taylor
Snakenub - Jacob Taylor
Campfa - 28.3.19 - 4.5.19
Annihilation Seal - Jessica Akerman
Annihilation Seal - Jessica Akerman
Arcade - 2.4.19 – 6.4.19
Exhibition of Exhibitions - Cardiff School of Art & Design/Fine Art/2nd Year
Exhibition of Exhibitions - Cardiff School of Art & Design/Fine Art/2nd Year
Arcade - 7.3.19 - 16.3.19
Abi Birkinshaw — Shauna Chapman — Magdalena Lackowska — Luke Roberts — Francesca Wilcox
Abi Birkinshaw — Shauna Chapman — Magdalena Lackowska — Luke Roberts — Francesca Wilcox

Campfa 6.2.19 - 16.3.19
A mountain, foiled. A game, lost - Emma Edmonson w/ supportive labour from Rose Cleary
A mountain, foiled. A game, lost - Emma Edmonson w/ supportive labour from Rose Cleary

Arcade 8.2.19 - 22.2.19
Rūh/Soul/Enaid/ - Somya Dhiman & Charlie Lindsay
Rūh/Soul/Enaid/ - Somya Dhiman & Charlie Lindsay

Arcade 11.1.19 - 30.1.19
Small Worlds - Nathan Mullis
Small Worlds - Nathan Mullis

Campfa 9.1.19 - 2.2.19
Criw Celf Summer Show
Criw Celf Summer Show
Arcade 28.11.18 - 22.12.18
Sarah Roberts
Sarah Roberts

Campfa 28.11.18 - 22.12.18